That's because the balance reported to the credit bureaus typically is 3 credit report Boise the balance from your last statement, not 3 credit report Boise what was left over after you got that statement and paid the bill. So you might as well pay in full and save yourself the interest. This myth encourages people to carry unnecessary debt, putting them at the mercy of credit card issuers and eroding their financial security. I'm dept free and already have all the "Stuff" I need. I was told I should utilize 3 credit report Boise my credit cards more to build far I have had no 3 credit report Boise trouble getting by. I travel for fun which is pretty much the only 3 credit report Boise time I use them and life is good. I invision evil little trolls in a dark cavern, somewhere, just cursing my ability to function outside of the credit system. Think about it, credit 3 credit report Boise scores are only important to the lender or the people attempting to get the 3 credit report Boise lender to lend to them. Those scores are little more than a rating 3 credit report Boise of what you have done credit wise. It is not a reflection of your worth, you could have had NO REASON to borrow, in which case your 3 credit report Boise score would have been lower than someone who did borrow and paid back late or never, probably a "0"! credit report now You 3 credit report Boise may have been TOO QUICK at paying back, (nothing less than a two year period is any score at all)! The score is only important......................IF YOU WANT OR NEED TO BORROW.............OR, MORE IMPORTANTLY...............DO NOT HAVE ANY COLATERAL (3 credit report Boise AN OLD AND SELDOM USED TERM SINCE THE MODERN CREDIT DAYS OF "NOTHING DOWN, FOREVER TO PAY")! It took me almost a month to get a loan on my present house because I always paid debt off ASAP..................YET THE 3 credit report Boise 30YR MORTGAGE ON THIS HOUSE WAS PAID OFF IN 3YR, 3MOS, so tell 3 credit report Boise well does the score represent what the lender needs? In this case, very well, ..............because they didn't want 3 credit report Boise to make asmall interest return that came from early retirement of the loan, but due to law were still forced 3 credit report Boise to do the loan. annual credit report site
Thier (the 3 credit report Boise lenders) job is to make (or get my money) and my job is to attempt to keep my money............and I give a crap about any credit score until, or more clearly..........IF, I ever HAVE to borrow again! A 3 credit report Boise credit score is nothing more than a 3 credit report Boise measure ofhow big a mark a person 3 credit report Boise is. Who in their right mind would willingly agree to pay the shylock interest rates required by these credit card 3 credit report Boise companies? 95% of people who have credit cards CANNOT pay off their monthly balances to avoid interest. As far as buying a house we just got a loan for $250,000 & our credit scores were not good. Since the average consumer has little protection against credit card companies and our own credit 3 credit report Boise scores,,I believe the best way to 3 credit report Boise stay out of financial trouble is to try to AVOID using credit when possible.
Some parts of this article may be true but not ALL. I remember years ago one attorney told me "Credit card companies represents America's biggest 3 credit report Boise scam" Its so unfortunate that good credit is required for so many applications that shouldn't be,,,like jobs and 3 credit report Boise apartment dwelling. free credit score free credit report
Ourentire credit system needs an overhaul Funny just a few weeks ago I read an article right here on this web page that contradicts a few "myths" thisarticle tells you. I look at it this way: I will NOT be kept on the hamster wheel. I got off paid off my credit cards & will NEVER have them again. And to think all this $$ was going to credit cards & interest! As far as buying a house or carhuge down payments talk everything else walks. Fundamental company data and historical 3 credit report Boise chart data provided by Thomson Reuters (click for restrictions). Real-time index quotes and delayed quotes supplied by Interactive Data Real-Time Services.
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